Encourage your children to take cold water shower or cold water bath:


Taking cold water bath has a lot of benefits for children.


1. Reduces stress Levels:
Studies show that taking cold water bath reduces stress levels .It acts as a stress buster.

2. Improves Immunity:

Cold water bath improves immunity against cold, flu etc.

3. Increases blood circulation:
When cold water falls on the body ,the arteries and veins contract ,resulting in movement of blood with high pressure to various organs.With hot water bath it is just the opposite. On taking cold water bath blood circulation in vital organs increases to keep them warm thus increasing the overall circulation of blood in the body.

4. Increased vitality:
Children who take cold water bath are less lethargic .Improved blood circulation helps them remain active.

5. Increases mental strength:
It is not easy to take cold water bath in the morning. If children are encouraged to take cold water bath in the morning it helps to make them mentally strong as it requires a lot of will power to go through any experience that is not pleasant. Remember early sages, the first thing they used to do in the morning was to take a dip in cold river water. It helped them to elevate spiritually. In tough trainings like military training they don’t allow warm or hot water bath in view of making trainees mentally strong.

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