Logical thinking is a skill that can be nurtured in children


Logical thinking is a learned process in which one uses reasoning.It is a bent of mind that needs to be nurtured in children. It is less concerned with accumulating undigested facts. It is the kind of thinking process that will be required by children not only in taking competitive exams but also throughout their life and in every field of their life. Logical thinking means not to take things at their face value but to research and analyse available facts. Logical thinking can be improved through constant observation and experimentation. A logical thinker is a person who not only reacts to the stimuli, but he also creates new things and ideas. ”Trial and error“ method is very important for developing logical thinking.Trial and error method allows room for making mistakes and learning from them rather than leading an inert existence like a Wall. With trial and error method children, come to know about new relationships in old thinking. A superior logical thinker is a person who is able to find out new relationships in old things.

Means for improving logical reasoning in students:
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