Unbroken – Movie Review

A true Story
Unbroken is a movie about Louis “Louie” Zamperini, an Olympic Athlete and a War Hero.
Movie has two parts to show. First is the making of the Athlete Louis “Louie” Zamperini and the second one is his life as a War Hero. He survived in Pacific Ocean in a raft for 47 days, after their fighter plane crashed in the ocean, before being caught by Japanese army as a prisoner of War. He showed resilience and did not give in to Japanese pressure to make false statements on the radio going against his country and his conscience. He suffered quietly at times for saving his fellow prisoners

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No reward No Punishment model:

Let the children work in the environment of no reward and no punishment. Let the children work in the environment in which they want to do something because they feel for it and love to do it.
Reward creates a sense of being

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My Personal Space:

It is often seen that children are given instructions throughout the day from one source or the other. In educational institutions their time tables are fixed and they are required to follow the instructions of tutors. At home they are required to follow the instruction of parents throughout the day. Every time such questions are asked ,”Where are you Tom ? What are you doing? I told you to do this. First finish of this then do something else. Tasks are ready for them to perform one after another.

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Volunteering – A way of learning

We may have chosen a field for ourselves. This may be the field of our interest and the field in which we think that we may be pursuing a career. Volunteering in one’s field of choice is a good way of learning skills. It’s like an on field training or research on real time basis.
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The art of Minimum

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Let us learn to live with the minimum things required. Our ancestors were happy people with minimum things and gadgets around them. The more things and gadgets we have around us the more we have messed up and screwed up our lives.Earlier the children used to go out in open to play but, with the gadgets around them they prefer to sit inside glued to these gadgets. Going out and playing with peers and managing out on the field helped them develop social and various other skills.
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Multitasking versus Focussed Working:


At the very start of this discussion one thing that needs to be clear is that most of the times we use multitasking for very short duration of time but, for the purpose of this discussion the time frame has been increased and it’s used as a representation for trying to do multiple things . Keeping this in mind let us start the discussion.

Views in favour the multitasking

Now a days , we get involved with a lot of varied fields. It is good that we expose ourselves

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Perseverance is the key to success


Perseverance is the key to achieving in life , what we want. Here, I want to quote a famous tale that I used to hear when I was small .It was that of a king who had lost in battle several times and was on the verge of giving up. He sat against a wall and observed an ant that was trying to climb the wall.
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Children – Moneywise


How to plan an outing within budget with children?

Children need to be made sensitive to spending money judiciously early in life.
When it comes to spending money, children usually show insensitivity towards it and are seen to be impulsive buyers. They want to buy whatever they see on shelves.
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Career in writing

Who can look into taking up a career in writing ?
• If you have good writing skills
• If you can convey your thoughts with ease through writing
• If you are passionate about writing
• If you love writing
then you can look into taking up a career in writing.

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Small Town and City Bred Students

On a recent visit to a small temple town in South Karnataka, I happened to visit a school run by the temple. What a profound difference to the schools that we have in our cities!!!
The school had so much open space surrounded by lush greenery and hut type classrooms. Children were running around everywhere carefree. They grew their own vegetables, senior children helped in cooking, they took pride in cleaning their school and keeping their premises clean. On seeing us, they flocked around us, greeted and spoke to us with great enthusiasm and innocence. One could easily see a spark in their eyes and love in their hearts. We connected instantly.
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On 19th of January ,2014, it was the anniversary of this blog .

I hope all of you enjoyed this journey along with me . It has been an exciting journey of one year with a lot of learning and sharing.

Thank you for being with me on this journey. I am looking forward to carry on this journey and bonding with all of you , with same enthusiasm, dedication and caring.

Attract Goodness in Your lives


We all need to learn to open up and expand .
First Scenario
We start to contract , we always think in terms of ME. Always such thoughts arise in our minds as
• What about me?
• What will happen to me?
• How can I get this or that?
We start moving within a shell. We need to realise we are closing ourselves from many good things in life.


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Replenishing Ourselves:

We constantly use our energy for different activities that we do in our daily lives. If we keep on using our energy without replenishing it, we may soon drain out. Here, we are not just talking of the energy on physical level but, the energy on spiritual level as well.

Sometimes we feel enthusiastic about the work we need to do and the things we need to perform but, lack enough strength on physical level to do these tasks.
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Success Story- Natalia Partyka:


Natalia Partyka is a world renowned table table tennis player. The special thing about this player is that she was born without right hand and fore arm and in spite of her personal short coming, she has made a place for herself in international table tennis.

Partyka at the age of 11 years played paralympics and was the youngest player to compete in any sport.

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